Balancing Acts
Libra. The Scales. Air. Cardinal. Under the wing of a less “corporeal. Venus than Taurus, with which it shares its love of beauty and harmony, Libra essentially is concerned with balance; both in its own right and as a road into harmony and beauty and, at the end of this path, fairness and justice. Librans are all for cooperation and cohesion. They hate confrontation, which sometimes will lead them to timidity or even spinelessness .“the old “anything for a quiet life. syndrome- and thus to let down their own integrity. Now and again they will dilly-dally, unable to decide whether to take this or that option: so many fish in the sea! Libra gone to the dogs can be extremely dogmatic and, occasionally endorse concepts that verge on cruelty, all in the name of a misbegotten sense of righteousness. But for the most Libra loves peace, if not too much quiet, for it’s a very sociable creature with a keen sense of fun. It loves art, love, parties, the good life, bringing people together and restoring order when things get too out of hand, in a sort of private little battle against Mother Entropy’s relentless, one-way grind.