Mazed Snakes. I wanted to do something quite different. Perhaps a nice, nasty & incisive, finely tuned ad hominem attack .“plenty to choose, as usual. But this came out instead. More like a laconic, generalized ad humanitas barb. Well, I gave up the illusion that I am in control of my creatures a long time Continue Reading
Snub Fish. aka Deep Sea Tittle Tattle II. By all means applaud then, laud them, call them heroes, ask people to paint soppy, celebratory rainbows and donate £5 to the same NHS your and  all administrations ever since Tony Blair’s PFIs* have been gutting. Please do. Indulge yourself in a bit of feel-good cant. As Continue Reading
In Memoriam. Julio Anguita. May 2020. The good die young they say. The good oldies die, too. Briefly, the good die. Whilst the bastards seem to thrive like venomous weeds. Well, probably Entropy IS the Mother of Us All indeed. Two little Haida birds have come to join me in my grief. Another light gone Continue Reading
Never say die! Golden (73) Years. Friends old and new have dropped in, defying the “distancing. diktat and two-fingering the engineered paranoia, to celebrate the fact that I’m still around, alive -if not well, and pretty much as they left me last year; that is unrepentant and obnoxious. They have brought me the usual gifts. Continue Reading
1) Travellers. It’s a drag when you’re trying to mind your own business as you follow your road and, out of the blue, you acquire unsolicited company. Still, it’s the road you picked for yourself and that’s bound to attract strange fellow travellers, be it only because it’s a road not over-frequented. Who knows, maybe Continue Reading