Tears. Here be a melancholy variant of the ever-useful All-Purpose-Gripe-Indicators for those not so much bilious as plain doleful moods. You know, the sort of drab, sombre days, when you feel your heart is being shredded to bits by almost anything you see around? Yes, those kind of days. Enjoy. Stay sane and have a Continue Reading
Sage Worms. Behold the peerless, delicious, perspicacious Sage Worms (no relation to Bozo’s SAGE) freely voicing their considerate, if bemused, opinion of the latest Bogus Silver Bullet devised by our dear leaders. This here pic can be used as the latest APGI (All Purpose Gripe Indicator) as well. Just enter the beef of your choice Continue Reading
Drunk & Disorderly. In these godawful times of heightened pretentious nonsense and language distorted, when not downright corrupted, there’s a new kid on the pompous linguistic block: elevate. A perfectly ordinary, useful and sensible word is being tossed all over the place, in the most absurd of contexts, whether appropriate or not. In protest to Continue Reading
Budding Gardener. Times being so very lousy, it almost feels mean-spirited to have an Anti-Valentine. Why, even the BIC (Brainwashing Industrial Complex) seem to have toned down the mawkishness and the ersatz sentiment, poor dears! (Giggle, giggle.) On the other hand it’s good to keep up some traditions, especially those that promote insubordination, so as Continue Reading
Floating Messengers. A couple of glamorous floating thingummybobs and their wriggly retinue materialized last nigh in our living-room. They appeared to be some sort of couriers bearing some kind of message or news or something The problem is that they communicate in a language nobody here understands, not even the Shoggies, who are outstanding linguists. Continue Reading