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Words, Words, Words…

Foxis of Tindalos. What’s that? You though because having done the Cagnolitos and the Tadpoles I’d stop mining the Tindalos vein? Think again. Here be the delicious Foxis, also native (if the term can be applied to these creatures) of the same enigmatic and dicey locality. They have temporarily deserted their home dimension (again, a Continue Reading

Superior Low Life

New Gusanito. Indeed there’s no such thing as too many of those. That’s what I think, anyway. And when you think about the slimy, slithery, venomous, scary vermin currently populating 10, Downing St. and Whitehall and Parliament, you’ll have to agree with me. My worms are cute, wise, pleasant to know and very good for Continue Reading

Good (Blue) Blood

Veggie Queen. There. This is the only kind of royalty we’ll ever welcome ’round here. And if you think she looks too fruity, think of Boris Bleeding Johnson’s brand new cabinet. They don’t come much nuttier, they don’t. Also dangerous. Priti Patel (she of the covert Israeli army money-funnelling shenanigans, “migrants are to blame for Continue Reading

Dangerous Liaisons

There’ll Be Tears. Some more sound advice and tips from Adelita, my cheery, well-informed, incisive and upright demonette. For any Latinists out there, here’s the quotation in, well, Latin. Efficiut Daemones, ut quae non sunt, sic tamen quasi sint, conspicienda hominibus exhibeant. And for any stray Lovecraftians, a true morsel from that most excellent book, Continue Reading

Wise Counsel

Sound Strategy. Just a little piece of his outrageous nibs’ mind  with a dash of strategic advice. Sounds like an excellent plan to me. Stay cool, groove on and have a spiffing weekend.

Sea She-Wolves

Captain Fizz. Here is another little bit of that HMCA (Heavily Modified Clip Art) I love so much, plus an original wee worm. A darling Beluga and mates. One can never have too many Belugas, that’s what I think. This one is for Captain Carola Rakete, a sea she-wolf with more balls than many of Continue Reading

Curly-Wurly Dialectics

Impasse. aka Dialectic Cul-de-Sac. Or as the Spaniards would say, un diálogo de sordos, o de besugos, a dialogue of the deaf. Or between two idiots. In Spanish besugo, sea bream, is one of the many synonyms of idiot; don’t ask me why for as far as I know sea bream aren’t particularly dumb. Here’s Continue Reading

Justice…Of Sorts

Picnic. As I never tire of saying, good news are few and far between. So when there is some, we get inordinately excited and happy and we feel like having a picnic. This week’s good news is that after nearly three years of faffing about, that infamous epitome of dribbling evil, that paradigm of rancid Continue Reading

Light to Darkness

Moon Maiden. I appreciate that there aren’t all that many reasons for having a good Solstice. It’s coldish and miserable and it’ll probably rain later, when you’d like to have that seasonal Bonfire of the Inanities you’ve been planning for months. And any time now we’ll have a dangerous clown in 10 Downing St. And Continue Reading