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Travel Broadens the Mind

Aliens Too. aka A Stranger Here Myself. They came. They saw. They couldn’t believe their eyes. They are now touring the underground caves of Crapston Parva. They report that the  psychic leeches that dwell in the subterranean streams that link the caves are indeed a pain in the neck, but nowhere near as offensive as Continue Reading

Trouble in Paradise

Fish Fight. (Happy New Year, Iran.) There has been conflict in the DeepDeepDeep these past few days. Tempers are being lost and tensions ratcheted out of the blue and for no apparent reason. Scales fly, and here and there silly arguments erupt at a drop of a hat. The natives are restless. We suspect the usual suspects. Continue Reading

Another Year

New Year 2018 (For Banon) And so another year is gone and another one just gets going. I have no illusions that 2018 will be any better than 2017 since Entropy seems to have the upper hand, right now. Never mind; keep Hope’s smiling face burning bright, you never know. Stay with Mehitabel and stay Continue Reading

Permissible Paranoia

Well, they are, aren’t they? Perhaps you don’t mind. I do. Passionately. For those who watch are total shits, plain & simple. I resent being watched by turds. Still, nothing much we can do about it, I dare say, except not mind too-too much and keep the flames of hope burning. “Of the world as Continue Reading

Sweetness & Light

Dancing Snakes. A few seconds extra daylight a day keep the Doom&Glooms away. Have a spiffing Winter Solstice, my friends. Have a good wiggle and jiggle around a bonfire, si le cÅ“ur vous en dit. Join the Dancing Snake Girls in their mystically carnal boogie-woogie. Drink a wee dram to Helios’ abiding health and speedy Continue Reading

A Dirge for Catalonia

21-D. The one (and only, alas) good thing that will come out of the Catalan Christmas Panto is that the PP (Partido Popular) is going to bite the dust something chronic in Catalonia, so Mariano Rajoy’s gonna get a whole load of egg on his ugly face. That would make it almost two things, except Continue Reading

Happy Scene. Here’s a sweet, peaceful family scene, a small spoonful of sugar to coat the throat and shield it from the bitterness and dismay of this incoming Catalan Black Thursday. Remember folks, no matter what further horrors emerge from it, the Shoggoths and their friends still will have picnics, ice cream and the Shub-Niggurath Continue Reading

Bullies, Like the Poor…

will always be with us. Alas. Mother Bear. It’s mainstream meeja- sanctioned, ergo hallowed, ergo true: everything bad that happens, to anybody, anywhere, it’s Russia/Putin’s fault. Trump wins the election? The Catalans are behaving like a bunch of prats? Italy’s out of the World Cup? It’s raining? It’s not raining? Your wife’s left you? Blame Continue Reading

Colourful Obsessions

More Gazins (@Dawn and @Noon). It’s not often that I indulge in repetitions and variations on a theme but now and then I do treat myself to a colour and/or a B&W version of a given subject. This time I’m going the whole hog: from an originally B&W image, lo! there springs a full quartet. Continue Reading