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The Man Who Would Be King

KingBonk aka The Radish King. (un) rave. (pl. raves). n. : Catalan for radish. Also, as in the English “snap., something worthless, of little or no value. Like in the saying: “Aixo no m’importa un rave.= I don’t give a toss/I don’t care one bit about that. The quotation is from Salvador Espriu’s Primera historia Continue Reading

Deep Sea Shenanigans

Oh how I love to do things with borrowed & modified clipart! Here’s a little scene showing the rapture of the inhabitants of the DeepDeepDeep on discovering some unexpected gifts from an anonymous donor. See, nor everything is gloom & doom all the time. Long live frivolity!

Dangerous Clowns

Two Idiots. Question: Why is it that the moment anybody starts bandying about the words “freedom” and/or “self-determination” people’s brains seem to turn to mush and collapse into a little heap of uncritical, indiscriminating, romantic, often paranoid sentimentality? Let’s face it, Rajoy IS one of the ghastliest of all vicious, incompetent cretins you’ll ever see, Continue Reading

Something Old and Something Older

Maya Misses. Here be a couple of world-wise&weary lassies bringing you a useful, all-purpose caustic commentary on things in general and politics in particular. Use it as you see fit. Change the “he. to a “she. and you can use it on women too, from Hilary Clinton, to Nicole Kidman*, to that good old staple, Continue Reading

Blood Ties

Meet the Mi-No, very distant relatives of our good friends the Mi-Go. More fungoid than crustacean, they wear their chitinous skeletons on the inside, like us meat folks (only our skeletons are not chitinous, more’s the pity). They live in a galaxy so distant from ours that even the Mi-Go have difficulties reaching it, a Continue Reading

Two Ladies

Now, this one, I could claim I have no idea where she comes from but I’d be lying. But I won’t bore you with her genesis either. And I do like the textures, if I say so myself. She’s very well behaved, too, for a Gothette. She just sits by the window and sulks elegantly. Continue Reading

Bits, Bobs and a Passing

Insect Queen. Here’s a little something to mark the autumn equinox and the start of that lovely, sensuous “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”: a pithy message from one of our Generic Queens. Mind you pay heed to her words, people; insects may not be the cuddliest of animals but without them we’d be all Continue Reading

Trends and Tendencies

Tadpole&Teddy. When the little mafioso Worm of a few illustrations back showed up at a political gathering in a bowler hat he started a trend. Lately every other small creature that creeps, crawls, wiggles, wriggles, swings, sways and sashays in the Far Borders is sporting one. Panamas and Porkpies, Tops and Trilbies, Bowlers, Boaters, Borsalinos, Continue Reading

Health & Safety

Just like pushy mothers, heartless bastards are not the sole preserve of our universe. You would not believe the con-fauna that pulullates all over the Middle Grids! As poor Liolí  the BearBat can tell you, much to his chagrin. Last night a couple of itinerant mountebanks accosted him on his way back home from the Continue Reading

Demockracy 4 Beginners

Fitter, tougher & scarier than Weetabix! And possibly cheaper in the long run. Coming soon to a conflict zone near you -which could very well be your back garden, if ExxonMobil decides it has fracking possibilities. Or you can get them @ Amazon, no doubt, should you want to join in the fun and start Continue Reading