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My Perrito Lucero

Doggie Dirge. A quick modest tribute to a beloved departed dog, Kabubi, my little brother’s hound. He was 13 years old and he had had a jolly good innings, really, but all the same, it has been a wrench, especially for my brother who was totally besotted with him. May Bumba receive his subatomic particles Continue Reading

Celestial Goats

Capricorn. The Goat (The Goat-Fish to the Babylonians). Earth. Cardinal. Saturn cloaked. The rock climber par excellence, this beastie will navigate the most hazardous of high terrains often with great ease and elegance. Because of its ability to get up to the high ground, it has a good overall picture of situations and goes in Continue Reading

A Four-Legged Friend

Sagittarius. The Archer. Fire. Mutable. Domain of Jupiter, the big cheese of Olympus. Expansive, adventurous and philosophically inclined the centaur trots merrily along whichever path her fancy takes her. Her range is wide and she travels light: her bow, an arrow or two and her wise snake, who rights all sort of wrongs and heals Continue Reading

A Tale With A Sting

Scorpio. The Scorpion. Water. Fixed. Once said to be ruled by Mars and now by Pluto, either will do, really. Scorpio is perhaps the most intense creature in the whole zodiac. Also the most contradictory, ever oscillating between the maggot it can slide into if it allows itself to become self-indulgent and the eagle into Continue Reading

Balancing Acts

Libra. The Scales. Air. Cardinal. Under the wing of a less “corporeal. Venus than Taurus, with which it shares its love of beauty and harmony, Libra essentially is concerned with balance; both in its own right and as a road into harmony and beauty and, at the end of this path, fairness and justice. Librans Continue Reading

Groovy Girls

Virgo. The Celestial Maiden. Sometimes known as The Cornmaiden. Earth. Mutable. In cahoots with the more sedate side of Mercury, she’s a more reticent communicator than the Heavenly Twins and she often keeps her thoughts to herself. Both intellectual and practical, highly discerning and very good at dismantling flimflam, she’s intensely analytical and will sometimes Continue Reading

A Lion And A Pussycat

Leo. The Lion. Fire. Fixed. Embraced and ruled (and therefore sometimes obscured) by the Sun, giver (and taker) of life, pleasure and holidays in Benidorm. Naturally confident, dramatic and flamboyant, Leos can be warm-hearted and generous to a fault if in a good mood. Or mean to the point of pettiness if they think you’ve Continue Reading

Deep Musings

Pissed Off Deep One. aka They Dynamited Y’ha-Nthlei, They Did, The Bastards! Nothing to add to his little harangue, really. I couldn’t have put it better myself. And thank Bumba for the comforting Sneak. Our savage breasts would all be lost without her soothing sympathy. ‘ere, ‘ave a little music to go with the pic. Continue Reading

More Zodiac Shenanigans

Cancer. The Crab. Water. Cardinal. Ruled by the Moon, patron saint of poets and lunatics. Moody. Droll and charming if and when they feel like it. Stroppy and obstreperous if the spirit takes them the wrong way. Also caring to the point of soppiness and capable of a persistence verging on perversity. Exceptionally sensitive and Continue Reading

Celestial Twins

Gemini. The twins. Air. Mutable. Under the aegis of Hermes/Mercury, patron god of travel, communication, boundaries, commerce, luck, trickery and thieves. (And by extension, mediatic hermeticism and political flimflam.) Here we can see them bearing news, both good and bad. Good: John Bolton’s toast. Bad: Boris is still in 10, Downing St. Well, there’s always Continue Reading